The Turas platform is designed by NES to be a one-stop shop for all health and social care tools and learning resources. SOAR is an application hosted on the Turas platform, hence why you require a Turas account to access SOAR.
If you do not have a SOAR or Turas account (i.e. new user)
* Make sure you click on SOAR, not Appraisal - TurasAppraisal is for AfC staff; SOAR is for Medical Appraisal and Revalidation (see image 3 below).
If you have both a SOAR and a Turas account
Follow steps 2.2 and 2.3 above and login with your existing SOAR details.
If you have a SOAR account but not a Turas account
Follow steps 2 above and login with your existing SOAR details.
If you have a Turas account but not a SOAR account
Follow steps 1 and 2.2 and 2.3 above.
I have different email addresses for Turas and SOAR - does that matter?
So long as your accounts are linked, it doesn't matter if you have different email addresses.
Won't I just login to SOAR for my appraiser/appraisee role?
As part of the changes being introduced, we are moving away from the existing SOAR login mechanism and will be utilising the Turas/Microsoft 2-factor login. After November 2024, you will need a Turas account to access SOAR, regardless of your appraiser/appraisee/Appraisal Lead/RO/Admin roles.
My Turas account is linked to my trainee account on SOAR instead of my appraisal account?
You can link your appraisal account... login as you would, when in the trainee pages, click on "My Details" from the menu, then click on the Turas tab along the top right, and follow the links and instructions on screen. When prompted, enter your SOAR appraisal account login details - that should be both accounts linked at that stage.
For updates please see the FAQ section.
Image 2: Turas dashboard to create a new account
Image 2.2: Linking SOAR account to Turas
Image 3: Take care in selecting the SOAR application from the Turas dashboard and not Appraisal (this app is for AfC staff)
This page was last updated on: 31/01/2025