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Appraisal Supporting Information for OOH GPs

Appraisal Supporting Information for OOH GPs

This pack is intended to help any GP who works Out Of Hours - particularly those with no other primary care clinical role - to gather evidence for appraisal.

Why is there a specific toolkit?

Appraisal should be relevant to the job you do. In the early stages of GP appraisal it was assumed that those who worked with Out Of Hours (OOH) organisations could adapt the materials that had been developed for "daytime" GPs. However, it quickly became apparent that some of these materials could not be used in an OOH setting, and at the same time there are some important aspects of OOH work which are not addressed by the main GP Appraisal Toolkit.

This Toolkit is purpose-designed for the OOH GP, drawing on key features of the job and helping to support personal development for those who provide unscheduled care out of hours.


Providing appraisal supporting information is intended to be an educational process for the appraisee, allowing in-depth reflection on an aspect of personal practice each year. In Scotland, GP appraisal needs to be gathered under four main areas of essential supporting information:

  • Quality Improvement Activities - Prescribing, Audit and Referrals (3 in 5 years)
  • Multi-Source Feedback from colleagues (1 in 5 years)
  • Patient Feedback (1 in 5 years)
  • Significant Event Analysis (2 annually)

Following reflection and discussion with your appraiser, these areas can help you to gather and provide material for future revalidation by the GMC.

The four GMC Domains for "Good Medical Practice" form the basis for Revalidation:

  • Knowledge, skills and performance
  • Quality improvement activities
  • Communication, Partnership and Teamwork
  • Maintaining trust - health, probity and complaints

This OOH Toolkit helps you to provide material from the appraisal documents which will support these four headings.

This page was last updated on: 21/03/2022