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Patient Survey Questionnaires (PSQs)

Patient Survey Questionnaires (PSQs)

As part of your revalidation, you are asked to seek feedback from patients once in a 5-yearly revalidation cycle and review and act upon that feedback where appropriate.

Which survey to use?

Unlike MSF, there is no central PSQ system in place for all doctors/specialty to access in Scotland.  Management and provision of PSQ is facilitated locally and most health boards will have put in place support and resources for managing the dissemination and collection of patient questionnaires.  You are advised to liaise with your health board teams in the first instance for guidance.  They will be able to confirm what tools will be acceptable to your Responsible Officer.

Generally patient surveys include feedback from a minimum of 25 patients and your reflections on this.  It is important that the questionnaire used provides feedback that allows reflection on your own personal practice.

A popular tool amongst doctors for PSQ is the CARE measure: The CARE Measure Website (

The CARE measure is entirely doctor-centred, and its content is largely independent of where you work or whether the patient knows you.  Of course there are other PSQ providers available but please liaise with your health board teams first before you start incurring costs.

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This page was last updated on: 01/11/2022