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Feedback / Report a problem

Feedback / Report a problem

with the Medical Appraisal Scotland website, or with SOAR

We aim to improve our resources all the time, but we can't do it without your help - after all, you are the ones using it!

If you have run into a problem with the Medical Appraisal Scotland website or SOAR, we need to hear from you so we can prevent the same thing from happening to others in the future.  Let us know what page(s) you were on, what you were doing on the page, which buttons you clicked, what the error message was, etc. The more details you can give, the better understanding we will have of the problem you encountered.

Or, if you have suggestions for improvement (known as "Change Request" in IT management), no matter how big or small, we'd love to hear from you. Please complete the Change Request form below - again, please be as detailed as you can so we understand the request better.  We won't be able to implement all your suggestions, but we will certainly listen and take on board your feedback.

Please email our helpdesk ( with your details (Name, organisation, etc) and your particular feedback (please be specific). We will review your feedback and comments, and take appropriate action.  If it's a particular change in function you are suggesting (or a new function), please use the change request form below.

Good or bad - all feedback is welcomed! It's the only way we can improve the resources.

This page was last updated on: 30/12/2021